
Alma Hernandez for SMJUHSB 2024 is endorsed by the following organizations. This list is growing every day, please check frequently for additional endorsements. If you would like to join this list please contact us by clicking here

U.S. Congressman Salud Carbajal

State Senator Monique Limón

State Assemblyman Gregg Hart

Santa Barbara County Supervisor Joan Hartmann

Santa Barbara County Supervisor Das Williams

Guadalupe City Mayor Ariston Julian

Former Lompoc City Mayor Joyce Howerton

Buellton Vice Mayor David Silva

Guadalupe City Councilmember Christina Hernandez

Santa Maria City Councilmember Gloria Soto

Allan Hancock Vice President of the Board of Trustees, Hilda Zacarias

Former Superintendent of the Carpinteria Union School District & Newhall School District Paul Cordeiro

Guadalupe Union School District Board Member Diane Arriola

Guadalupe Union School District Board Member Lourdes Ramirez

Guadalupe Union School District Board Member Jose Peyrera

Santa Maria Joint Union High School Board President Feliciano Aguilar

Santa Maria Joint Union High School Board Member Jack Garvin

Former Santa Maria Joint Union High School Board Member Diana Perez

Santa Maria Bonita Elementary School District Board President Ricardo Valencia